Barley Levy

Barley Levy

Saskatchewan’s barley levy became mandatory August 1, 2013.
The levy is $1.06 per net tonne.

Note: Always check your grain tickets to ensure that the appropriate levy has been assessed. Barley levy is based on the province in which the crop is grown and not on the farm or business address.

With Your Investment

SaskBarley is able to invest levy dollars in issues that directly impact Saskatchewan producers. We encourage you to review our Strategic Plan and the work we accomplish on your behalf.

What is a Registered Barley Producer?

Any producer who has produced and sold barley in the province of Saskatchewan in the past 2 years and has not received a refund of their levy in the last fiscal year (August 1 – July 31). 

Registered barley producers:


The SaskBarley levy is refundable annually upon request and is based on your barley sales from August 1 – July 31. 

Deadline: Applications for refunds may be submitted anytime during the crop year (August 1 to July 31), and must be received no later than 4:30 pm on August 31 of the year in which you are requesting your refund.

Please contact 306-653-7232 for refund information.

Levy refunders are not eligible to vote in SaskBarley director elections, nor can they vote at our Annual General Meeting or claim research tax credits.