SaskBarley official position on CRSC Code of Practice
The Canadian Roundtable for Sustainable Crops (CRSC) is currently leading the development of a Code of Practice, to showcase to consumers and buyers of Canadian agriculture products that our crops are sustainably produced.
The CRSC is a member-based organization made up of federal government, industry, customer and environmental organizations. SaskBarley is not a member.
Farmer consultations on the Code of Practice process to date are ongoing. To provide your feedback, visit:
SaskBarley position:
SaskBarley is opposed to the current draft as is it written. SaskBarley believes in sustainability from an economic, environmental and social perspective, and that these measures of sustainability should apply across the entire value chain. While we understand there is another round of consultations scheduled for November 2021, we feel this should only happen if the current draft has been significantly revised.
Furthermore, we request that the following criteria be used in any evaluation of a ‘code of practice’:
1) A Code of Practice should deliver value to producers that choose to adopt it.
2) A Code of Practice should encompass the entire Canadian agricultural industry and value-chain.
3) A Code of Practice should drive end-user demand and enhance the reputation of our products providing real economic value for our farmers and value chain.
4) A Code of Practice should be a living document, incorporating industry best practices and science-based recommendations.